
Start your journey to fulfillment today!

Discover joy, fulfillment, and actionable steps towards personal growth

with Sue Maitland - Best Rest Of Your Life Coaching. 

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Start your journey to fulfillment today!

Discover joy, fulfillment, and actionable steps towards personal growth

Subscribe to my Newsletter for your guide to Living Your Best Life!


Living Your Best Life?

My Online Course

"What's Important To Me Now" 

Is A Great Place To Start







My Online Course

What's Important To Me Now

Is a Great Place To Start

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Finally get to know yourself in a way that allows you to live a life aligned with who you are and what truly matters to you most


Hi there, I'm

Sue Maitland

Professional Life Coach

Networking Expert & Course Creator


More About My Story...

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Hey there, I'm

Sue Maitland

Professional Life Coach

My passion is helping you to get to know yourself better so you can make conscious choices to bring more joy, balance & fulfillment into your life

I do this by providing you with a range of tools, resources & 1-on-1 coaching to help you achieve your goals.

Clarity on what’s important to you is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. The What’s Important to Me NOW online course is the perfect way to get to know yourself on a deeper level.

Another important aspect of living a more joyful & fulfilling life is creating meaningful connections. The Networking For Success online course will give you the tools and confidence to do this in any situation. 

Sometimes we need some personalized 1-on-1 support to gain the clarity, motivation & direction to bring our vision to reality!

If you invite me to be your coach, I’ll partner with you to create a vision for a future that’s inspiring both personally and professionally and we’ll co-create a plan to help you achieve it.

I want to help as many people as I can and this is why I also provide a multitude of free resources including blogs, newsletters, virtual events & 20-minute consultations all designed to help you live a more enriched, joyful and fulfilled life

As a professional life coach I help you gain greater clarity on 

What's Important To You  

giving you some amazing tools & support that can transform your life & help you to start living a life that inspires you!

Find Out More About My Story & Why I Became A Coach  ➝


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Network With Confidence?

My Online Course

"Networking For Success" 

Is A Great Place To Start




Network With




My Online Course 


Is a Great Place To Start

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"I'm sure investing in this course played a key role in helping land a job I really enjoy in my chosen profession."

- Travis Paterson

Have you ever asked yourself:


Is it possible for me to live a life that truly inspires me every day?


Do I really have enough time & energy to make a major change in my life?


Can I do more of what I love and still make a living? 


How do I even start to pivot from the life I’m living now, to one that’s truly inspired and fulfilling?


Have I taken the time to really get to know myself well enough to understand what living my best life looks like for me?


If any of these thoughts resonate for you, you’re in the right place. 

Whether you're feeling Stuck, Overwhelmed or just ready to make a Positive Change, I can help

Whether you're feeling Stuck, Overwhelmed or just ready to make a Positive Change

I Can Help

Learn About 1-on-1 Coaching
Book A Free 20 Minute Consultation





 Finding clarity on What's Important To You Now is one of the most powerful steps you can take towards living a more fulfilled & inspired life.

With such busy lives most don't even take the first step or the time to reflect on the life they truly want to live. When living a life aligned with your vision, motivation comes naturally

If you're ready to feel more empoweredfulfilled - learn how taking time to get clear on Your Vision for Your Life can be the most powerful move you make -

Click below to learn more

Get Clarity On Your Priorites Now





 Finding clarity on What's Important To You Now is one of the most powerful steps you can take towards living a more fulfilled & inspired life.

When living a life aligned with your vision, motivation comes naturally!

If you're ready to feel more empoweredfulfilled - Getting clear on Your Vision for Your Life can be the most powerful move you make -

Click below to learn more

Learn How To Easily Get Clarity On Your Priorities Today


What People Are Saying About


"If you're ready to really improve your life, consider working with Sue"

Jacques C.F. Lanteigne

"I came away from the  - What's Important To Me Now workshop - with a sense of ease rather than anxiety about the future and three goals that I could complete to improve my progress. I've even finished one of the goals already! "


Emily Patterson 

- Recent Graduate


Learn More About - What's Important To Me Now Workshop







"I want to thank you again for pulling together a rich self-directed workshop on networking, and making it available at a very reasonable cost. 

I found the strategy call with you very helpful as well, particularly in helping me fine tune my messaging and narrowing down places where my people are most likely to hang out!”"


Olga Netchaeva

 - Impavid Leadership Coaching 

Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Consultant


Networking For Success - Online Course (Limited Time Bonuses Available)

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On Demand Self Paced Learning

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1-On-1 Coaching

Personalized Coaching

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Online Courses

On Demand Self Paced Learning

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