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Why We Resist Networking and What We Can Do About It career growth networking personal growth Jun 18, 2024

Do you find networking challenging? You’re not alone. It was something I avoided for many years before reframing my perceptions and learning to love it.

Now I’m viewed as an expert networker and I’m passionate...

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A Critical Skill for a New Grad career growth networking personal growth professional growth May 27, 2024

I was recently invited to speak to new grads from a tech program for newcomers to Canada and share some sage advice and hopefully motivate them to take action and move forward with the next stage of their life and career.


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Why Networking Is Essential in Today's World of Work networking personal growth positive mindset Dec 30, 2023

You’ve probably noticed how rapidly the work world is changing. Technology is constantly impacting how we live and work and staying on top of every new development is exhausting. It’s been coined “the white...

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5 Essential Skills for Today's Workplace living your best life managing change networking personal growth professional growth Aug 21, 2023

Technology such as AI and the growing work-from home movement are changing our workplaces in ways previous generations never imagined. It’s been referred to as “the white water world of work” by Martin...

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How to Deal with Layoff Anxiety managing change networking professional growth Jul 06, 2023

The world seems to be in a state of turmoil these days and if you’re employed in the tech sector it’s hard to ignore the almost daily headlines about massive layoffs.

What can you do to reduce your anxiety over...

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How to Design A Compelling Introduction networking professional growth Apr 17, 2023

Do you have a concise and intriguing answer when someone asks you “So what do you do?”.

We all face this question throughout our lives at networking events or simply when we’re introduced to someone new and...

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Top 10 Tips for Successful Virtual Networking networking personal growth professional growth Feb 01, 2023

Like it or not, virtual networking is here to stay. In this post, I share my top tips to make the most of your virtual networking experience.

There are many benefits to virtual networking, including expanded reach beyond...

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The Do's & Don'ts to Have a More Fulfilled Volunteer Experience living your best life networking personal growth professional growth Dec 12, 2022

Volunteering is a wonderful way of feeling good about yourself and bringing positive energy into your life. It can also be a powerful way to expand your network and build strong personal and professional relationships. However,...

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